“De Itinere A Romano Foro Usque Ad Sanctum Petrum”

  1. Point of Departure of the via Triumphalis in the 2nd Century
  2. S. Maria delle Grazie, Hospital of the Consolazione, and Vicus Jugarius
  3. St. Lorenzo in Nicolanasi
  4. Hospital of S. Maria in Porticu and the Church of S. Salvatore in Aerario
  5. Aerarium
  6. S. Maria in Porticu
  7. S. Nicola in Carcere
  8. Theatrum Marcelli, Templum Pietatis Bibliotheca
  9. Aedes Mercurii (Portico d’Ottavia) and the Church of S. Angelo in Pescheria
  10. Theatrum Balbi
  11. Piazza Giudia; Sewer of Rome
  12. S. Andrea (de Unda?); S. Maria in Monte Caeli
  13. Chiese di S. Barbara degl’Inglesi e di S. Martinello
  14. Theatrum Pompeii
  15. Memorial of S. Sebastiano at the Campo de’Fiori and the Palazzo Orsini
  16. Palazzo of Card. di S. Giorgio and the Church of S. Lorenzo in Damaso
  17. Via per la Chiesa di S. Maria della Pace; Cross-roads and Covered Drain of S. Lucia; via Arenulae or Redulae and Various Churches that border it
  18. Palazzo Farnese
  19. Hospital of the English (S. Tommaso di Canterbury) and the Church of S. Brigida di Svezia
  20. Other Churches along the via Redulae
  21. Return to the Crossroads and Church of S. Maria al Pozzo Bianco, of S. Stefano and of S. Lucia
  22. Palazzo della Cancelleria and cippo del Pomoerium
  23. Other Crossroads and the Little Church of the Concezione
  24. Vie Papale, Florida, and Banchi
  25. Monte Giordano and the Meeting of the Pope with the Jews
  26. Palazzo Orsini and the Little Church of S. Cecilia at Monte Giordano
  27. Palazzo Fieschi (Sora)
  28. Parione, S. Tommaso in Parione, Numerous Palazzi of the Nobility, the Churches of S. Pantaleo, of St. Salvatore in Maximis, of S. Sebastiano and the Palazzo of the Cardinal of Siena
  29. Palazzo Cesarini and Return to Banchi
  30. S. Biagio della Pagnotta and the Tribunale of Julius II
  31. S. Celso in Banchi
  32. Via Recta (de’ Coronari) and the Churches of S. Simone at Monte Giordano and of S. Salvatore in Lauro; Porta Triumphalis
  33. Ponte S. Angelo and the Street for S. Maria del Popolo
  34. Castel S. Angelo; Historic Signs and Legends; the Chapel
  35. S. Maria in Traspontina, Relics, and Indulgences
  36. Piramide di Borgo; its Demolition.
  37. Church and Monastery of S. Caterina delle Cavalleròtte