“De Vaticano et De Sancti Petri Ecclesia et De Sacro Palatio”

  1. Il Vaticanum according to the Ancients
  2. Templum Apollinis (S. Petronilla)
  3. Templum Martis (S. Maria de febribus)
  4. Basilica di S. Pietro; the Nave of Giotto; the Tomb of the Apostle; the Dimensions of the Basilica; the Columns; Triumphal Arch; Competition of the Popes in the Enrichment of all Kinds of Works; Demolition by Julius II
  5. Alter de ossibus Apostolorum
  6. Porta Santa e the Tabernacle of Sudario
  7. La S. Lancia
  8. Relics of SS. Apostles Pietro e Paolo in the High Altar
  9. Bodies of SS. Apostoli Simone e Guida
  10. Martyrs and Popes Buried in the Basilica
  11. Column Vitinee
  12. Marble Ciborium above the Altar of the Confession
  13. Cathedral of S. Pietro
  14. Sepulcher of Pontefici left abandoned
  15. Sepulcher of S. Giovanni Crisostomo
  16. Chapel of S. Francesco
  17. Chapel of S. Andrea the Apostle and of S. Gregorio with the Tombs of Pio II and of Pio III
  18. Tomb of Carlotta Regina di Cipro
  19. Oratory of S. Petronilla; Pietà of Michelangelo; Stations and Indulgences
  20. Vatican Palace; Works of Various Popes
  21. Chapel of Eugenio IV and of Niccolò V
  22. Sistine Chapel
  23. Library of Sixtus IV
  24. Paintings and Valuable Statues; the Belvedere, the Laocoonte, etc.
  25. Church of S. Stefano dei Mori
  26. Campo Santo
  27. Basilica of S. Andrea
  28. Obelisk and Circo Neroniano