“De Ecclesia Sancti Sebastiani et De Reversione Ad Romanum Forum”

  1. Church of S. Sebastiano; Cemetary ad Catacumbas; Provisionary Tomb of SS. Peter and Paul the Apostles; Tomb of S. Sebastiano and of S. Lucina
  2. Indulgences
  3. Platonia; Legend
  4. Crypt of the Pope S. Stefano; Body of the Pope S. Fabiano
  5. Column of S. Sebastiano
  6. Precise Site of the Sepoltura of SS. Peter and Paul
  7. Location of the Tomb of S. Sebastiano and of S. Cecilia; Carthusian Monks
  8. Via Appia
  9. Templum Martis e Lapis Manalis
  10. Templum Mercurii
  11. Circus of Caracalla (Circo di Romolo o Massenzio)
  12. Praetextatus Catacombs
  13. Chiesetta of the Quo vadis
  14. Via Nova
  15. Via from the Porta Capena (P. San Sebastiano) to S. Giovanni ante portam Latinam
  16. Point of Convergence of the Via Latina and Via Nova; Via from S. Sisto to S. Giovanni Laterano
  17. Church and Monastery of S. Sisto Vecchio
  18. Ruins of Ancient Construction
  19. Churches of SS. Nereo and Achilleo
  20. Piscina Publica
  21. Baths of Antoninus (Baths of Caracalla)
  22. Church of S. Balbina
  23. Return to the Roman Forum; Vicus Tuscus and Argiletum
  24. Septizonium