“De Itinere a Romano Foro Ad Ecclesiam Sanctae Agnetis Extra Moenia”

  1. Quirinal Hill / Collis Quirinalis; Etymology of the Name
  2. Il Vicus Corneliorum
  3. Balnea L. Pauli and the Torre of the Milizie
  4. Templum Solis
  5. Church of S. Silvester al Quirinale
  6. Baths of Constantine
  7. Alta Semita and the Porta of S. Agnese
  8. Various Statues of the Quirinal and Porphyretic Basin
  9. Templum Herculis and Templum Quirini
  10. Templum Salutis
  11. Templum Florae
  12. Senatulum mulierum
  13. Church of S. Susanna and Vicus Mamurii
  14. Forum Sallustii
  15. Porta of S. Agnese and Arch of Gordiano