“De Ecclesia Sanctae Mariae De Populo et de Reditu Ad Romanum Forum et de Campo Martio”

  1. Church of Santa Maria del Popolo; Legend around of the Tomb of Nerone and the Origin of the Church; Restoration of Sixtus IV and of Julius II; Chapel with the Tombs of Various Cardinals; Indulgences
  2. Via from Porta Flaminia to the Ponte Sant’Angelo and Ancient Tombs
  3. Church of the Saints Rocco and Martino
  4. Church of S. Girolamo degli Schiavoni
  5. Church of S. Antonio with the Convent of the Minor Brothers and of S. Gregorio
  6. Church of S. Ivone, of S. Lucia della Tinta, of S. Nicola, and of S. M. in Posterula
  7. S. Antonio de’Portoghesi
  8. Church of S. Agostino; the Stations; Indulgences
  9. Via from S. Celso to Montecitorio (de’Coronari) and Church of S. Salvatore delle Coppelle
  10. Church of S. Apollinare; Palazzi of the Cardinals and Nobility
  11. Campus Martius
  12. S. Maria Setta di S. Agnese in Agone
  13. Circo Agonale
  14. Church of San Giacomo degli Spagnuloi; Origin; Indulgences; la Sapienza
  15. Palazzo de’ Medici (Madama)
  16. Church of S. Salvatore and of S. Luigi de’Francesi
  17. La Dogana; Church of S. Eustachio; Relics and Indulgences; Ancient cup of marble
  18. Terme Neroniane and Alessandrine
  19. The Pantheon; Description; Legend; Riches; Transformation into a Christian Church; Stations; Indulgences
  20. Different Streets leading to the Piazza del Pantheon
  21. Templum Boni Eventus e templum Minervae; Church of S. M. Sopra Minerva; Restoration of the Card. de Torquemada; Body of S. Catherine of Siena, etc.; Arch of Camilliano
  22. Chiesette di S. Giovanni Evangelista and of SS. Cosma e Damiano; Fragments of the Marble Statue and Little Church of S. Anastasio in Via Papale
  23. Conclusion